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15 January 2024

Cheryl announces her new SISTERS Duet as her summer release for 2024. Instead of a 3-book trilogy, it will be a 2-book duet about sisters, Miss Theodora and Miss Charlotte Cronenworth. When they were just little girls, their mother abandoned them and their father to run away with a handsome scoundrel. As a result, she was branded the most notorious hussy of her generation.

That shocking incident left a definite mark on the two sisters, and they’re working hard to build stable lives as young ladies in prim, moralistic England.  But it’s not easy! Of course, they find true love along the way.  Theodora meets and falls in love with Jackson Bennett, Lord Thornhill. And Charlotte finds her happily-ever-after with Winston Wainwright, Lord Dartmouth.

Both books will be released on the same day, June 19, 2024, so you can enjoy the entire story without having to wait for the second novel to arrive. Mark your calendars! As we march through the winter and spring months, we’ll soon arrive at the summer release of Cheryl’s new and fun SISTERS duet!

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