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02 October 2023

Book 3 of Cheryl’s Ruined! series, ABSOLUTELY MINE, is coming on November 1st. The first two novels are already available and Book 3 is coming shortly. The three novels tell the stories of 3 intrepid heroines who were caught in compromising situations when they were younger. They’ve struggled with ruined reputations and destroyed opportunities, but they’ve fought to regroup and start over. Of course they find true love along the way.
Book 3 is a stand-alone novel, so you don’t have to have read the first two books to understand what’s happening, but the books are connected through the premise and the villain (and a few recurring characters too) so Book 3 will be much more enjoyable if you’ve read Books 1 and 2. It will be available as both as a print book and e-book.
A personal note from Cheryl: “I had intended to release Book 3 in October, but I suffered a bad case of Covid that really slowed me down. I’ve moved the release date back to November 1st, and I apologize for the delay. I know that many of you like to pre-order my books, but I doubt I will get pre-orders posted before the release date. If I can get pre-orders posted, I will let everyone know. Thank you for your support and understanding. And be CAREFUL out there!”

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