14 February 2019
COMING SUMMER, 2019! Cheryl announces her new trilogy for summer, 2019. The heroes are all African explorers. Who wouldn't want to get lost in the jungle with one of these yummy men! On their last trip, they suffered a tragedy,…
11 February 2019
My ALWAYS trilogy is coming this summer. The covers are almost finished! I'll post them in the next week or two. They're yummy!
26 November 2018
The terrific blog site, Ramblings From This Chick, is once again hosting their annual Christmas short story event. Your favorite authors write a holiday story that brings together favorite characters from prior novels or they create entirely new ones who…
16 October 2018
To all my fans in Australia, the e-version of Book 2 of my Jilted Brides trilogy, JILTED BY A SCOUNDREL, is finally available for sale on Kindle Australia. I most humbly apologize for this huge delay, and I thank all…
12 October 2018
To my fans in Australia, I'm very sorry that the e-version of trilogy Book 2, JILTED BY A SCOUNDREL, has not yet become available for sale on Kindle Australia. The entire 3-book trilogy was supposed to have been available to…
08 October 2018
Hi Everyone, I'm once again participating in a great reader event at Night Owl Reviews. To celebrate the release of my new 'Jilted Brides' trilogy, I'm helping to sponsor their autumn Hallowpalooza Scavenger Hunt. You can win Amazon gift cards,…
21 September 2018
To celebrate the release of Cheryl's Jilted Brides trilogy, she ran two contests to give away copies of the Jilted Brides books. Thanks so much to everyone who entered! Here are the winners: CONTEST WINNERS - JILTED BRIDES TRILOGY Grand…
06 September 2018
To celebrate the release of Cheryl's Jilted Brides trilogy, she's participating in a ten-day blog tour—starting today!—where she's visiting some of your favorite romance blog sites. In conjunction with the blog tour, she's also running a Rafflecopter giveaway to give…
1 August 2018
Contest! Cheryl is celebrating the release of her new JILTED series by running this contest. She will give away ten autographed print copies of Book #1, JILTED BY A CAD, to ten lucky winners. Since the first three novels in the series will…