10 June 2024
To celebrate the release of her SISTERS duet, Cheryl is doing a blog tour. She hasn't done one in years. As part of the tour, she is giving away 10 autographed print copies of Book 1, WITH ONE LOOK, so…
To celebrate the release of her SISTERS duet, Cheryl is doing a blog tour. She hasn't done one in years. As part of the tour, she is giving away 10 autographed print copies of Book 1, WITH ONE LOOK, so…
To celebrate the release of my new SISTERS duet on June 19th, I'm doing a blog tour. I haven't participated in a blog tour in years, since before Covid. As part of the tour, I will give away 10 autographed…
Aren't these the prettiest covers ever? Cheryl's new SISTERS Duet is two linked novels about sisters Theodora and Charlotte Cronenworth. They grew up as the rich daughters of a wealthy importer, so they were showered with every boon imaginable. But…
To celebrate the release of her SISTERS duet on June 19th, Cheryl is doing a blog tour! More details coming soon!
Cheryl announces her new SISTERS Duet as her summer release for 2024. Instead of a 3-book trilogy, it will be a 2-book duet about sisters, Miss Theodora and Miss Charlotte Cronenworth. When they were just little girls, their mother abandoned…
Absolutely Mine, the final book in the Ruined! Series, is released today! Though Absolutely Mine is a standalone novel, it is enhanced by reading the other two books in the Ruined! trilogy!
Book 3 of Cheryl's Ruined! series, ABSOLUTELY MINE, is coming on November 1st. The first two novels are already available and Book 3 is coming shortly. The three novels tell the stories of 3 intrepid heroines who were caught in compromising situations when they…
Cheryl's new RUINED! trilogy is marching along. The three novels tell the stories of intrepid heroines who were caught in compromising situations so they're ruined. They're working hard to reestablish themselves in High Society. Book #1, ABSOLUTELY PERFECT, was released on March…
Cheryl’s new RUINED! series will be here soon. Book #1, ABSOLUTELY PERFECT will be released on March 15th. So it’s coming one month from today! Book #2 ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL, is coming Summer, 2023, and Book #3, ABSOLUTELY MINE will be…
Cheryl will release three novels in 2023. It's her new RUINED! series. The three heroines have all been ruined by scoundrels, and with their reputations in tatters, they're trying to regroup and reestablish themselves in society. Of course they manage to find true love along…